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Thu Aug 06 13:01:54 -0400 2009 | wiki概論

Dumbest Criminal with the Dumbest Tattoo, Makes it Easy,Got guts to fit yourself on this train? [pic],10 Gadgets We'd Like to Throw Into a Black Ho

Sun Aug 30 17:01:41 -0400 2009 | wiki概論

HaHa: 'Nurse of the Year' charged with not being a nurse,500 Lbs. Texas inmate hides gun in his flabs of fat ,What Britney Spears Really Sounds Li

マスコミの捏造報道とかイルミナティやフリーメイソンとやら支配層とかの関係で思う事/What I think about the media's false reports and the relationship between the Illuminati, Freemasons, and the ruling class. | 考察王 今ん所の中継地点

○○○○○○○<1>永井一正さんと言う女性を始めに拡散された文は お読みになったでしょうか。Did you read the article that started with a woman named Kazuma

トンでもねー話だぜ! | 英語日本語ニュース

Regulators Accepted Gifts From Oil Industry, Report Says 当局の取締官達は石油業界から収賄を受けたと報告書は明らかにしているhttp://online.ws

Thu Aug 06 21:01:29 -0400 2009 | wiki概論

DIY wearable computer: now you don't have to go to MIT to look like a total nerd in public,“Harrass a Booth Babe”: A Twitter Contest Too Far?,Hot T

英熟語レベル5 2401~3000 | あやのの勉強生活

□ 1a desk plan机上の計画、机上論・It's just a desk plan and is difficult to put into practice.:それは机上の理論に過ぎず、実行するのは

09/13のツイートまとめ | iphone/ipadのブログ(特にガジェット)

unkoutarou iOS 10 bug will disable Kevo smart lock’s Touch-To-Open feature pending fix from Apple https://t.co/TKN9ePyf2w https://t.co/YFZMg4QIui

entry3 S | cat88aaa

カチェリーナ | ブログ運営のためのブログ運営http://ukdata.blog38.fc2.com/blog-category-8.htmlhttp://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/ukdata.blog38.fc2.com